Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sweet and Spicy Pickles

My mother got this super easy recipe from a friend who got it from ???


Gallon jar whole dill pickles (not kosher, not sliced)
4# bag sugar
Bottle Louisiana hot sauce

Drain pickles and slice. Mine are usually 3/4 to 1-1/2 inches wide.

Pour about a cup of sugar in the bottom of the empty pickle jar. Add several good dollops of hot sauce.

Add a layer of pickles.

Cover pickles with about a cup of sugar and several good dollops of hot sauce.

Add another layer of pickles, sugar, and hot sauce.

You get the idea.

Continue until all pickles have been packed in layers of sugar and hot sauce, topping the jar with sugar and hot sauce. My final quantities are 3/4 of the bag of sugar and about half the hot sauce. Add more or less depending on your level of bravery.

I add back any juice that accumulated in the bottom of the bowl. Return lid to jar - securely!

Find a couple of bored kids. Sit them about six feet apart on the kitchen floor, front porch, driveway, paved road, or wherever there's enough room on a hard surface. Have the kids roll the jar of pickles back & forth between themselves until the ingredients are well mixed.

If bored kids are not readily available, roll the jar across the counter top from hand to hand.

Put the jar in a corner.

Tomorrow, turn the jar over so it's standing on its lid.

The day after, turn the jar back up.

The next day, turn the jar back on its lid.

The day after that.... you get the picture.

Do this for two weeks.

I usually last about 5 days before I have to get into the pickles. Of course, they have to be sampled for correct hotness and sweetness. Add additional hot or sweet if necessary.

Refrigerate once they're to your liking.
